Minds are Programmed

Dr. Bruce Lipton tells us that up to the age of 7, we receive a program that is like a recorder. It remains in our subconscious mind throughout life. It fixes our limitations until we re-program.
Life Coaching - new reality
© Life Coaching Reality 2024
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Life Coaching

According to Dr. Abraham Maslow everyone has a Hiearchy of needs. We are “healthy” when all these needs are met. Our needs are physiological, safety, Love and belonging, Esteem and Self Actualization. Life coaching helps to bring you to ultimate fulfillment.
  What is Life Coaching? Video What is Life Coaching? Video

Minds are Programmed

Dr. Bruce Lipton tells us that up to the age of 7, we receive a program that is like a recorder. It remains in our subconscious mind throughout life. It fixes our limitations until we re-program.
Life Coaching - new reality
© Law Of Attraction 2023
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Life Coaching

According to Dr. Abraham Maslow everyone has a hiearchy of needs. We are “healthy” when all these needs are met. Our needs are physiological, safety, love and belonging, esteem and self actualization. Life coaching helps bring you to ultimate fulfillment.
What is Life Coaching? Video What is Life Coaching? Video
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